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Moving and transporting animals

Moving and transporting animals

transport a cat

Transporting animals – a few tips

Changing the place of residence is always associated with stress for all family members. Packing stuff, furniture and electronic devices is a very time consuming and tiring work. In addition, the perspective of moving to a new apartment is enough stressfull situation.

What if we have own pets?
We can’t forget about our pets friends.
How to prepare your pets to change their home?

Before moving
Every pet appreciate a calm and regulated lifestyle. Make sure that the move do not disturb their habits too much. If possible, spend as much time with them as possible while removal to new flat.

Equipment for travel
You must equip your pet with a suitable transporter. Pets are sensitive to smells, so you should necessarily put a old blanket or favorite pet toy in it. Simply something which remind your pet about old home smell.
Also, don’t forget that the transporter should be the right size.
Your pet should feels comfortable and has enough space to lie down. Before traveling, do not feed your pet too much.

Types of pet transport depend on the distance that separates us from the new flat. The most popular are private passenger cars or special moving companies for animals.
If you decide on the second option, you should get full professionalism from them, because they are specialist and have the necessary equipment for transporting animals.
They will offer high insurance and GPS which let you know where your pet is.
If you choose to move by public transport (train or bus), don’t forget that the dogs should have a muzzle and leash, and the cats must be locked in the transporter.

Moving abroad with animals
If you plan to move your pet outside of UKd, be sure to check the legal requirements of the given country regarding the transport of animals.
Only dogs and cats can be transported between European Union countries without special permission but of course they need passport, microchip and vaccination.
Make sure, that your pet has a valid passport and rabies vaccination. Some countries may also require a something more and you have to check for example from professionals.



cat ready to transport